Friday, April 08, 2005

Random notes assembled into some order

The following are random "bits" of jottings I've collected over the past six months or more. It occurred to me today that I'm starting to see an overall pattern. I can see it, anyway, though it may not make any sense to someone reading over these without commentary. Anyway, here they are:

The hallmark of Scholastic Philosophy was its subservience to ontotheological religion and religious questions.

The idea that our minds shape our world rather than vice versa was a significant reversal of what had previously been assumed--a ‘Copernican revolution’ in which the active and the passive poles in the construct "What is real" switched places.

There is a change from "What it is," to "How does it go?"; from ontology to technology.

Kant was a psychologist, saying that our understanding of the world derives from the underlying cognitive structure of the human mind. He said the form of outer sensibility is space and the form of inner sensibility is time. Space & time, then, aren't out there but are constructs of our mind that allow us to think.

Metaphysics should be an escape into the blood, not into the void.

Knowledge is only knowledge if it changes the world.

Growth in language increases the stock of available reality.

Can theology express love, tenderness, sex, fear? Can theology be lonely? It can through the Da-sein of the Nazarene. The release of the subjective-I into the freedom of new vowels: Da-sein. New words stretch us out into new places within the Crucified.
Christianity is a way of reading (a trinitarian way)

"The Christian life is one of intense interpretation." Jens Zimmerman

The Bible does not protect us from interpretation. If it did, then it could not go with us into the real living of human life, for human experience is interpreted experience.

"Church theology," is another way of saying human theology, bc human beings are the aim and means of the church.

Liturgy means "the work of the people."

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