Friday, March 18, 2005

Bullet Points 3.18

Here are a few stray items which have accumulated in my notes.

Why "Freedom" is Such an Important Category for Theological Anthropologies
There is an inherent tension between morality and religion because there is a danger that people may act morally not because it is the right thing to do but because their religion prescribes it. This would take away the value of a good act: Kant is convinced that we can do the right thing for the wrong reasons, which would be devoid of moral merit. Achieving desirable outcomes is not enough; moral merit lies in the right intentions that are freely willed. Freedom is the necessary ground for the existence of the moral law.

Hungary, Slovak bishops regret clergy collaboration with communists
Warsaw (ENI). Roman Catholic bishops from Slovakia and Hungary have apologised for church members who acted as communist agents after clergy names appeared on new lists of former collaborators opening up old wounds in the two countries. ''Although this problem was tackled long ago, the church has never taken a public position on it,'' said Marian Gavenda, spokesman for the Slovakia Bishops' Conference. “The real responsibility for persecution lies with the regime. But society has accepted our request for forgiveness for priests who genuinely collaborated with the secret police.”

· Melody is analogous to an aesthetic/ethical presence made meaningful by transcendence.

· Habermas was Adorno's graduate assistant

· The essay form was well suited to aid Montaigne in his archaeology of the soul.

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