Monday, June 21, 2021

A friend's wedding toast

A long-time friend of mine recently celebrated a daughter's marriage. He wrote the following blessing for the new couple. I thought it was good and asked him for a copy. It is a product of occasional theology, and it gets at what I think Paul is trying to get at in his treatment of marriage in 1 Corinthians. Anyway, here it is.

To [Bride and Groom], no longer two but one:

Love one another with patience and kindness, with honor and respect. Persevere together in the hope of your shared faith and in the fidelity of your sacred union. Be always seeking the truth, speaking the truth, living the truth, and rejoicing in the truth.

Work hard to discover your unique gifts together--spiritual and vocational--as individuals in Christ and as an anointed couple. Seek to know each other well in order that you may speak courage and wisdom into each other. By the power of the Holy Spirit, advance God's kingdom together, his rule and reign in your own hearts and then out into the world. May the zeal of God accomplish this. May you always work specifically in the areas of your giftings. May you bear much fruit as you abide in the vine. And may material prosperity be yours as well by the success of your efforts. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven. Keep your hearts pure.

If you have children, whether born by water in your image or by the grafting of adoption, love them with the love of Christ, remembering that God has known them from eternity and has loved them first. May you reap from them the joy you have so faithfully sown into your mother and I.

Above all [name of couple], no longer two but one, be conformed to the likeness of Christ, who is the perfect image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. May your union portray the mystery intended, that is, Jesus, the bridegroom of his beloved church. May the grace of God be upon you. Amen.

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